Working AT Height Academy™ Confined Space Entry Training course is aimed at Confined Space Entrants, Observers and Permit Supervisors and covers both theory and practicals. We outline current applicable legislation, permit to work systems, safe systems of work, procedures for entry and rescue. CPR with respect to the observer is also addressed. This course involves actual confined space entry and rescue techniques and exercises.
Confined Space Entry (Basic) Course
Course Objectives:
On completion of this course, the participants will be able to:
- Describe the responsibility of the confined space entrant, observer and supervisor.
- Describe the confined space rescue procedure.
- State the purpose of a confined space entry permit and list the steps for obtaining one.
- Demonstrate the operation of a gas detector.
Course Content:
- Setting the scene – case histories.
- Confined Spaces – identifying hazards.
Safe Work Practices:
- Entry permits.
- Safe procedures.
- Emergency plans.
Atmosphere Testing:
- Unsafe atmospheres – definitions.
- Gas detection equipment.
- Practical Session.
- Rescue Procedures.
Training Method:
Syndicate work, discussions, practical demonstrations, practical exercises and assessments.
Personnel must be medically fit and if required have previously attended a Breathing Apparatus Course – all details should be discussed with the Instructor
Course Attendance:
- Maximum of 8 participants.
- 1 day duration.