Roof Top Safety (Pitched Roof)
At Working AT Height Academy™ Our Pitched Roof Top Safety course for working on roofs. Delivers information and practical training in a selection of fixed and temporary systems available to provide fall protection whilst working in various pitched rooftop locations. Also provides knowledge of potential hazards associated with rooftop access and working at height. A module on Radio Frequency radiation hazards and detection – RF hazards is included.Please Not the RF Module is basic awareness only Should you need full RF training please consult an RF Training Provider. This Course does not cover sloping roofs or access across fragile surfaces. For all persons required to access flat roofs. Provides information on potential hazards with discussion of permanent and temporary methods of fall protection. The characteristics of various commercially available fall protection systems are discussed, and candidates are able to gain practical experience of each method. This course covers working with leaning ladders, roof ladders with a full Rescue & Work positioning System for Pitched Roofs.